Routine Care

We offer wellness exams, vaccinations, and prevention to help keep your pet happy and healthy!

Our Services

Routine Care for Your Pet

At Foothills Animal Clinic, we believe routine care is imperative to keeping your pet happy and healthy! Your pet’s health is important and preventive care is necessary. We recommend wellness exams, keeping your pets on a vaccination schedule and parasite prevention, and working with us on all facets of wellness care.

Wellness Exams

During your pet’s annual wellness exam, your veterinarian will fully examine your pet and discuss vaccinations and ongoing wellness. Just like you do wellness visits with your doctor, it’s important that your pet does the same. During these visits, our team will spend time examining your pet from nose to tail. They will listen to their heart and lungs, check their eyes, ears, and teeth, and palpate their abdomen, feeling for anything abnormal. These exams are also the time to discuss any behavioral issues, diet, or get your pet’s nails trimmed. As your pet ages, annual exams are important to help catch any potential health changes early.

Wellness Exams

During your pet’s annual wellness exam, your veterinarian will fully examine your pet and discuss vaccinations and ongoing wellness. Just like you do wellness visits with your doctor, it’s important that your pet does the same. During these visits, our team will spend time examining your pet from nose to tail. They will listen to their heart and lungs, check their eyes, ears, and teeth, and palpate their abdomen, feeling for anything abnormal. These exams are also the time to discuss any behavioral issues, diet, or get your pet’s nails trimmed. As your pet ages, annual exams are important to help catch any potential health changes early.


Many of the diseases that can affect dogs and cats are preventable through proper pet vaccinations. Starting your pet on the right schedule early is one of the keys to a long and healthy life. Vaccines are special proteins that prime the immune system to fight off specific infections. They work in two ways: to reduce the severity of such diseases should they strike or to completely prevent infection.

There are several diseases that can afflict cats and dogs, but most pets can be protected from the worst of them if they are vaccinated properly. For dogs, these include parvovirus, distemper, and infectious hepatitis. For cats, these include panleukopaenia, feline herpesvirus, and feline calicivirus; for outdoor cats, protection can include feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus.

Call us today to schedule a time to get your pet the vaccines they need. You can even start your pet’s schedule with us so they can get future vaccines when necessary.

Parasite Prevention

Parasites are more than just a nuisance. They can cause serious illness and even death in pets. For example, ticks can transmit infections like Lyme disease, and fleas can transmit tapeworms and Bartonella – the bacteria that causes “cat-scratch fever” in humans. Another type of parasite, called a heartworm, is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworms live in your pet’s lungs and heart, causing damage to these organs and sometimes even death. Intestinal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, also threaten pets and are even transmissible to humans.

Veterinary examinations and parasite testing are important ways to protect your pet’s health. Let our knowledgeable staff provide you with a comprehensive parasite control program. We can recommend a schedule for parasite testing, discuss what signs of parasites you can look for at home, review ways to control parasites in and around your home, discuss treatment options if your pet has parasites, and recommend ways to control and prevent parasites in the future.

Parasite Prevention

Parasites are more than just a nuisance. They can cause serious illness and even death in pets. For example, ticks can transmit infections like Lyme disease, and fleas can transmit tapeworms and Bartonella – the bacteria that causes “cat-scratch fever” in humans. Another type of parasite, called a heartworm, is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworms live in your pet’s lungs and heart, causing damage to these organs and sometimes even death. Intestinal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, also threaten pets and are even transmissible to humans.

Veterinary examinations and parasite testing are important ways to protect your pet’s health. Let our knowledgeable staff provide you with a comprehensive parasite control program. We can recommend a schedule for parasite testing, discuss what signs of parasites you can look for at home, review ways to control parasites in and around your home, discuss treatment options if your pet has parasites, and recommend ways to control and prevent parasites in the future.